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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the game about?
Wield an ever-growing herd of quirky creatures to rebuild broken paths, battle perilous beasts, and solve peculiar puzzles in a rich, interconnected world. Join two young runaways as they unravel the mysteries of a lost realm in this nostalgic storybook fantasy!
Where can I buy the game?
The game is available digitally on Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One, Steam, GOG, and The Humble Store.
A Physical Edition is also available for Nintendo Switch and PS4 through distributors like Game Stop, Amazon, Best Buy, and Target.
When is the game coming out?
It's out!
What platforms will the game be available on?
The game is available on Nintendo Switch, PS4, PC, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One.
Will the game be available on Steam?
Absolutely! So far for PC we plan to be available on Steam, Humble, GOG, and the Windows Store. In fact you can wishlist it on Steam and on The Humble Store now!
What will the price of the game be?
$24.99 USD for the Digital Edition, $29.99 USD for the Physical Edition
Do you have a presskit?
Yep, you can grab it here!
Can I get a press copy?
We are now handing out some press keys, yes! Feel free to reach out to us if you'd like to request one.
Can you answer some questions or do an interview for an article/video?
Yes, we love getting press! Feel free to contact us.
What engine is the game built with?
We are building the game in Unity
Do you already have a music composer?
We do! Our composer is Amos Roddy
Can I help out?
Yes! Spreading the word about The Wild at Heart is the best help we could ask for right now! The more people interested in the game means more opportunities open up for us. Every retweet or reblog or word of mouth is very appreciated!
Are you hiring?
Not at the moment, but if we ever are you can be sure we'll blast it out here on our site and on all our various social media channels.
I never got a response from you, what's the deal?
We're sorry! We get a lot of messages from a lot of places, and while we try to respond to as many as possible, some get overlooked. Also sometimes we won’t respond to things if they've already been answered here in this FAQ. If you feel like we missed something, feel free to ping us again. We will try our best to get back to you!
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